Products > Gaskets > Non-Metallic Gaskets > NSF 61 Gaskets > Toruseal Gasket
Toruseal NSF Gasket

AWWA compliant and NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 certified pipe flange gasket with dual sealing rings that concentrate the gasket load and reduce torque required to seal by up to 75%.
Toruseal has exceptional dielectric strength and is available in SBR (Standard), Nitrile, Viton & EPDM.
Typical Applications: Potable water and other applications requiring an NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 or AWWA compliant gaskets.
Temp. Range, Max:
SBR: 150°F (66°C)
Nitrile: 150°F
EPDM: 200°F
Viton: 300°F
2″-24″: 350 psi (24 bar) | >24″: 250 psi
(17 bar)
On January 4, 2014, the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) & The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) legislation went into full effect. Rubber used for gaskets and seals in potable water applications must be proven to prevent leaching of harmful contaminants prior to installation. If you manufacture, sell or distribute water treatment or distribution products in North America, your products are required to comply with these standards. Visit for more information: NSF/ANSI 61: Drinking Water System Components.